Spirit of truth for Spirit of Unity?

30 11 2006

Spurgeon passionately decried “the spirit that would tamper with Truth for the sake of united action” when confronting the protestants of his time in accepting Roman Catholics as “ok”.

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing number of pastors preaching on Ecumenicism. I have had a few discussions with christians, should Christians accept the gospel of Ecumenical or to stand for truth?

I believe in the Truth, and then Unity. The unchanging Scriptural truth must not be exchanged for the sake of unity, and yes, unity within the Church is important, but not to the extent of compromising God’s Words. Live in peace within the limits.  There are an increasing message from various pastors preaching gospels of humanism, ecumenical gospel, and others, and I am not to judge their characters but i will stand against such messages and movement because it contradicts the Word of God. I will not accept Roman Catholics as family in Christ, because they are not. The Pope is not the head of the church, nor will i accept the authority of their council, and the Roman Catholic Church does not hold the keys to the doors of heaven – JESUS holds YOUR key to heaven, and when you put YOUR FAITH In JESUS, not the pope, YOU WILL BE SAVED.

An article about Roman Catholics from the Berean Call Ministry 

All gifts but no love

30 11 2006

The past few days of the arrival of TB Joshua has caused me to think, of why i behaved the way i behaved last time or why Jenn think the way he thinks; and how God has to break my pride to tell me that there is a line between judging based on the Word of God and by our own righteousness. If we have all gifts but without love, we are nothing. I believe that i might have the purest of the purest in theology, or doctrines that adhere strictly to the Bible, but wouldn’t the pharisees be that too? One thing that must set me apart from the pharisees is love. I know the difference between loving one another, and buying into their convictions. I thank God for Pastor Chong Yew and Apostle Roderick for shedding light onto this, while Pastor Chong Yew is the unmoving revelation out of God’s Words, Apostle Roderick maintain the balance and perhaps a revelation of taking this christian walk to another level – walking in signs and wonders. I have always wonder why Christians today are not walking in signs and wonders? Is it that the age of miracles or the age of the apostles past? That the holy spirit is no longer working or that God has stopped working miracles in the church? No, i strongly believe in the last days, God will pour out His spirit to his church as Prophet Joel in the book of Joel stated. Joel 2:28-32. That was written to say about how the church will be in the last days. As we are living at the edge to that Day of the Lord, it is imperative that we christians and me especially begin to get ready, for He will come like a thief in the night. Christians in Singapore are sleeping for way too long, we are fortified in our pride of self sufficiency, basking in our comfort zone for way too long, and God is beckoning every christians to wake up, Press in on that narrow road or we will be thrown as chaff into the furnace fire. There is a coming move for the new year, and no, i am not becoming a hyper-charismatic any time soon, but for those who are walking close to the Lord, will bear witness, that in the coming year, 2007, there will be a great signs as Israel celebrate their 40 year anniversary in June, which signifies a generation in biblical term. God is going to stir the church, separating the cold, lukewarm and the one who really are passionate with Him! Turn away from wickedness and sin, and Lord help me to put away things that are not pleasing to You. Cleanse me with thy Word and help my faith to stand as a witness for You in these last days! I pray for all my friends and my loved ones that we dare to stand up for Your name sake and take this generation for You. Indeed this generation will not see death and will behold Your coming soon. Come Lord Jesus, come soon.

Outside of the Inside

29 11 2006

We celebrated Jewel’s birthday last night and realised something i cannot relate to the group. I do not know why after so long, i still feel i am outside of the group. Who can truly understand me and fathom my thoughts except God. Perhaps the season of the wilderness is coming?


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Intellectuals with Faith

28 11 2006

I saw this book at Borders on Thomas Aquinas. I want to buy the book to learn from this great theologian but sigh, it is way beyond what i can spend. Even tho Thomas Aquinas is a catholic theologian, one can still learn alot from the work of this man. I love this quote from Aquinas

That for the knowledge of any truth whatsoever man needs Divine help, that the intellect may be moved by God to its act. – Thomas Aquinas

I believe Intellectual as much as Spiritual Sensitivity must be present to balance the Church, to have an extreme in either one, is to push to the limits of legalism without Spiritual move, on the other, is Spiritual anarchy with no anchor to the foundation of God’s Word. And i believe with the help of the Holy Spirit, God can act through the intellectual of human being to act according to God’s Will.

T.B Joshua in Singapore

28 11 2006

TB Joshua whom everyone affectionately referred to as Prophet TB Joshua from Nigeria, Lagos is in Singapore this week for a series of services and conferences. It is his first trip to Singapore and is the first ever Christian preacher that is allowed by the authority to use the title Prophet, and Healing Crusade on his promotional materials.

The Singapore Indoor Stadium was quickly filled up 30 minutes before the service officially started at 7pm this evening. Thousands joined in the worship and one after another pastors came up to have a short sermon and introducing each other with what they are doing, what they have achieved and lauding their titles.

It wasn’t until 9.30pm that TB Joshua came in to the pulpit and preached. His sermon was a great one, one i would not normally expect from him if i were to believe reports about this man and his ministry; Instead of another miracle worker and asking people to donate large sum of money, this man of God preached with strong conviction and clear message of holiness. Healing without putting the Word of God as our standard will not stand the test of time. This humble man of God attributes Jesus as the healer and he preached about putting the Word of God as the central principle guiding our lives, one on which through the Word, healings, peace, and others are built upon.

The last part, we saw people in wheel chair stood up and walk, the deaf hears, the sick healed and many demon possessed got delivered! It was a sight and many sat there in shock. This would be the first, to be captured on TV the contorted faces of the demon possessed people screaming and speaking in unnatural voices. Many were set free. And i love what TB Joshua said, rejoice not that the demons are subjected to us, but rejoice that our names are written in the Book of Life!

Word of advice to the catholic readers here

28 11 2006

To all Catholics who are reading this blog. Do not

a) Come in here and comment that i judge catholic brothers. I judge what is right and wrong according to the Scriptures – The Catholic doctrines and beliefs. For example, it is wrong to worship Mary. If i judge Catholics, it is like me saying, ABC or XXX is stupid to worship Mary or anything derogratory on the character of the person. While i try not to do that, if i do slander your character or intelligence, i apologize, but i do not apologize for my articles about Catholics and their doctrines.

b) I welcome all catholics who post comments, but all comments which i deemed nonsense, criticism of my character, or anything not acceptable will be deleted. And i owe you or the author no explanation for my action.

My first comic strip!!!

27 11 2006

I am keen to try out doing some simple comics strip with Christian theme!!! Will do up some and put it online or maybe do up another blog specifically for all my christian comic strip!

Spiderman 3

27 11 2006

Spiderman now with his Alien suit, fights the battle against evil on two front, against his enemies – Sandman and Green Goblin, and himself with the Alien Symbotic. The birth of Venom, and the human nature of Spiderman struggles with handling his relationship with Mary Jane! Ok, I WILL GO AND WATCH THIS SHOW. Screening next year May 13 2007

There should be 4 villains in this movie, (sandman, green goblin and venom from the trailer), who is the fourth one?

Click here to watch the trailer 

Purposing in my heart…

27 11 2006

Today, i have started a new journal and to read through the Bible. I have read through the scriptures but i want to do it again, and i want to push through to another level of intimacy. No longer just knowing, but i want to, press in to the holy of holies. To turn away from the mundane lifestyle of just being a christian on the skin, but i want to seek Him with all of my being. When i looked back a year ago, i am nothing but a boastful, egoistic, know-it-all, and now, i want to put all those down at the cross and walk past that cross of self denial, and i want to walk with Jesus everyday, and may i be like Smith Wigglesworth, that i will always be mindful of Jesus, in constant communion with God My Father, and in sweet intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Read Hosea 11 and 12 today! O God, you are merciful! You desire mercy, not sacifice; Acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offerings! Father turn away from your just anger and wrath, i plead for your mercy and compassion on me, Your wicked servant. Even when at times my heart is hardened and ladened with hardness of wickedness and storing up iniquities Lord, wash me in the river, the running water of river Jordan like your servant Elisha has commanded Naaman. Wash me in Your Word, that my mind be transformed and renewed everyday. Let my heart be so totally sold out, and left no room for my flesh, my selfish desires and any capacity for sin to die and be crucified!

Five year anniversary gift

27 11 2006

Got a Five-year anniversary gift from ESPN for my service. It is a silver, 2GB IPOD Nano. Quite nice, and since Mercy prefer the 20GB version, i took this and it is quite nice and very light, but unfortunately it is very easily defaced and now there are some visible scratches on it. Sigh.

God is good. Just when i thought i was dry, God provided this (I could have gotten anything other than this ipod), and now i can upload some christian music and listen to it on the train and be drawn into the presence of God……

Haggai 2:18-19

26 11 2006

Mercy and i are together for 9 months, 24 days. Mercy just called me at 1.45am, to tell me this.

From this day on, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought to the day when the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid. Give careful thought: is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the figtree, the pomegrandate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. “From this day on I will bless you.” Haggai 2:18-19

Attended Pastor Bruce Allen’s service last night and i know there is a paradigm shift in my walk and relationship with God, i just need to get ready for God to move and in revealing of Himself to me. Today, i heard, from Patricia King, that God will visit those FIRST BORN, for the FIRST BORN Belongs to Him! There will be a greater and deeper and more intimate walk with God from today on! Amen! I am so excited!

Casting aside immaturity

26 11 2006

I thought i was matured in the Lord, but i am wrong. Got a new revelation of an entirely deeper level of intimacy. It is about casting aside the critical view of an intellectual christian and putting on what matters more – walking in signs and wonders. God’s people on earth represents Himself, what matters more is not godless chatters of theology but it is about living out the theology, a lifestyle. A question i have asked myself; have i began to tell people about God? or pray for the sick and they are healed, and that i trust God totally for His providence?

There is such a huge disparity between the early church and today. We love to argue about if the Gift of the Holy Spirit to the church has ended with the Apostolic Church, or ask if being slained is the right doctrine or being healed is of God, and we want to ask not because we want to be discerning, we ask because it validates our pride – in our knowledge of what is right and what is in wrong in Christian faith.

I want to cast aside immaturity Lord, help me put on maturity even if it means right now going through this fire, trials and the wilderness, Lord, be with me, for thy staff and rod they shall comfort me.

First Love

24 11 2006

This song has always impacted my life in so many ways – First Love by Petra.  You can go to my multiply site to download the song – http://danielhoky.multiply.com

Sometimes I feel I'm pulled in so many wrong directions 
Sometimes I feel the world seducing my affections 
It's not that I don't know the way 
It's just a heart that's prone to stray 
But with my weaknesses admitted 
You will keep all that I've committed 
So I commit my heart to You 
My First Love 

First Love - First Love 
My soul longs after You 
First Love - First Love 
I want my heart to stay so true 
Because You first loved me 
Jesus You will always be 
You will always be 
My First Love 

It's taken me some time to try to comprehend 
A love that doesn't change - a love without an end 
A love that keeps forgiving 
A love of sacrifice and giving 
I delight myself in You 
My First Love 

If I ever lack endurance 
I remember Your assurance 
That Your only banner over me is love 
If my heart begins to waiver 
Woo me back, my loving Savior 
Woo me back till I return to my First Love

Turbulent week

24 11 2006

With yet again, another bout of disappointment with the money coming in and going through some really stressful time with Mercy, i reckon a rest and getaway must be in place before i decide to come back? Spending a day with Mercy made me realised how much i love her. Met up with Jenn at Plaza and had some quality short time of chatting about churches, and why we oppose any gospel of prosperity that’s taken to extreme and other issues. I have decided to take a break from cell group and last night might just be well my last day at the cell until everything’s gone back to normal in life. I’ve applied to a job at MTV Asia and boy! Hope i get that job! It is so cool, and the office is smacked right in the town which is only about 15 mins away from my home and so conveniently situated so i can meet up with Mercy more often! Ah God, please please please, help me to get that job! Thank you God.

To those who judge.

20 11 2006

Let those without sin, throw the first stone.

I have learned painfully, what lies behind the critical spirit of judgment. Too often have we all hold defense the Judge with the Standard of the Word of God and not hypocritically whenever someone come up to our face and say Do not Judge. Does our argument really hold up with God? How the Apologists would say Amen but often let’s examine beneath the pseudo-righteousness; Not of God, but of our own.

Read some blogs which condemn TB Joshua, when i read that, the familarity is neither shocking, nor the audacity of it. First, I am all for discerning, differentiating about right and wrong, and all that Apostle Paul exhorted us to be discerning. There was this blog which the author condemned TB Joshua from the websites he read online, and from the posters he saw on the train, but surprisingly, this man has never met TB Joshua, and has not attended any of his service, nor heard this man preach. Do not be mistaken, i am not here to defend TB Joshua, but i find these picking the sawdust syndrome and ignoring the plank in the eye practise very hypocritical. If one need to be discerning and judging the doctrines of the person, go and listen and find out what that person really preaches instead of looking to a third party or a fourth party gossips and slanderings.

After reading the websites that spoke against TB Joshua, first, the people probably has never met this man, nor heard him speak, and probably picking here and there from reports that are probably not true. The intent of the author is biased in the first place, and not of an objective analysis of the doctrines of the man, and how can one be discerning from merely one sermon but not know the man? These sawdust picking experts in my opinion are nothing more than self-righteous theologians, not man of God.

Frankly, before May, i was very much a strong proponent of this sawdust picker expert group, but i was humbled by God. For one reason, what’s the two commandments of God that everything hangs on? First, to love your God with all your heart, strength and might; Second, is to love each other as ourselves. By me criticising these people, i have violated these very two commandments. How do i reconcilled Apostle Paul’s command to be discerning then? Easy, that i choose to expound on the Word and let God speaks; if it is in error, the hearer will hear. I am merely a vessel.

In addition, like Paul said, if these preached Christ, be it out of their own motive, praise be to God, for the name of Jesus is preached! I choose to see that God used these people be it they are genuinely misled, or deliberate, or they are used of God, that ultimately God’s name is glorified! Why not? People are saved, people are healed, and as long as their lives are changed to reflect Jesus and bringing glory to God. See, the problem is, why are we pointing fingers at these preachers when seemingly, leading a life that is used be it by God or others, to heal, and why aren’t we walking in that authority to heal and preaching to thousands? I am sure the author of the blog who slandered against TB Joshua hasn’t led hundreds if not 10 to Christ? For sure, i did not. Why be a sawdust expert and not be a expert fisherman? God must not be mocked, Sure! I am sure God can defend His own name, and God will judge, and he has not make Daniel the judge here on earth nor anyone else? For we are told to judge, but not forgetting, we are too in the ministry of reconciliation. So what standard are these people using when they judge TB JOshua or Benny Hinn? Their own. of course. If it is God’s Word, they would have remembered the two commands.

Finally, after a session with Apostle Roderick, i realised, i can choose not to agree with Benny Hinn, but i am not in the position to slander him. I am commanded to love him. it is true, there are tons of things i do not agree with what benny hinn and his ministry are doing, but i am not going to say anything against the person, but i will bring to light the Word of God to the people and let the Holy Spirit reveal and teach. The command to judge, is not a ticket to divide the church or to hate each other.