Discerning the truth from false?

30 08 2008

A video by Patricia King on “Discerning the truth from false.” I find the video outrageously shallow. While the main points are right about Jesus being the only way, the only truth, and that the spirit of false prophecy promotes contradictions, however writing and reflecting upon the background of Elijah List and many of their false teachers and prophets, i find this video promoting an uncanny irony with a hint of hypocrisy. After the big break of the truth behind Todd Bentley came out about his history as a paedophile homosexual who was convicted after molesting a boy, a drunk with history of alcohol abuse; not mentioning, his fixation on Branham and a whole list of paedophiliac false preachers and false prophets, and talking to Emma his angel who resembles the japanese demon Emma. I am not surprised that Patricia King being his mentor would instead of standing up to correct him, now invited someone to come up on the video to speak on discerning the truth from the false, without going into directly that Scriptures is first and foremost the yardstick of prophetic and teachings, that it should stand up to the test of the scriptures. Unfortunately, that is the ‘Christianity’ of this modern age, where the underlying shift from biblical christianity happens first in removing the fundamental authority of the Christian faith – the scriptures. Why would these false teachers, false prophets, false pastor who put on the clothing of sheep but ravenous wolves inside, fear the authority of the scriptures? Because it bears the supreme truth that seeks to dispel and to expose their lives of lies, and wickedness! So when asked, is this world today ready for Christianity? I say, depends on which type. A pseudo Christianity that preaches on wealth, and what people wants to hear, like Bam Bam Fake miracle healing preacher that is in league with the work of Satan and the company of doctrines of Demons, yea that the world embraces. But when comes to biblical Christianity that preaches nothing but Christ, being our Only Way, the Only Truth, the Only Life, and NO ONE comes to the Father except through the person Jesus, not Todd Bentley, or Benny Hinn, or Patricia King. This world is not ready for this biblical Christianity, except that those whom God has fore-ordained from time to be His own.

Todd Bentley

15 08 2008

As i have wrote on the validity of Todd Bentley’s move on Revival and a false prophet and teacher as Todd is, I read with little shock that Todd Bentley has announced an official separation and eventual divorce with his wife and 2 kids, and he has announced to leave the Revival ministry to concentrate on travel evangelist.

This is on Freshfire.ca

“It is with considerable sadness then, that we must temper the jubilation we know you all feel with the sobering news that Todd and Shonnah Bentley are presently experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated. We want to affirm that there has been no sexual immorality on the part of either Todd or Shonnah, nor has there ever been. Undoubtedly the pressures and the burden of the Outpouring, which approaches 144 days on August 23rd, have helped to create an atmosphere of fatigue and stress that has exacerbated existing issues in their relationship. We wish to stress however, that the Outpouring is not “to blame” for the current chain of events and that in effect we have no interest in blaming anyone, but rather we deeply covet your prayers for Todd and Shonnah and for Fresh Fire Ministries during this time.

We know that many of you will have questions, for most of which we presently have no answers. We cannot see far down the path ahead of us, but we have quiet confidence in the One who sees the end from the beginning and promises to provide grace and strength for whatever lies ahead. We are hopeful that the outcome will include restoration, but we can make neither promise nor guarantee. We intend to take each day as it comes and look intently for the new mercies promised us each morning. We will watch and pray and ask each of you to do the same, knowing that you will pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit.

And Patricia King had a video on her website on Todd Bentley’s situation.

I agree with what she said about Christians criticizing each other, especially those in the public such as Todd Bentley, and i support what she said about Todd Bentley fell cos of his pride. I feel there is much more, from the fruits of his false teachings, and even so, as John Maxwell puts it – a true leader always put his family first, and then ministry for it will flourish, but if it is the other way round, both will suffer.

As a public figure within the Christian world, such news only brought mockery to God, and to the Church, and who then, can say the validity of the recent revival that has happened? What will happen to the new converts? Are we seeing a huge exodus of Christians who got saved, going back into world and stumbled by Todd Bentley? Will Todd Bentley bear the responsibility of stumbling thousands of young converts because of his action? Who then can give an answer to all these amidst of disappointment?

I believe no one can, but one thing is for sure, I can trust in God. I am not going to judge Todd but like Patricia King, let’s keep him in prayer. Despite the many flaws in his theology, he is first and foremost, a Child of God, and we need to lift each other up in prayers and in love that the body of Christ must stand united in love. Let’s pray for Todd that God will bring him back, and restore his family, and his ministry that through this, greater glory is ascribed to God!