Joel Osteen – whitewashed preacher

29 09 2008

“…. there are more people who are qualified to explain the scriptures to you, but i do not think that’s my gifting…” Joel Osteen.

I was involved in a conversation during supper on Sat with our Youth Pastor, and i told her, contrary to most who believe that there will be an end time revival, that there will be an end time fall away. Christians and so called Preachers, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophets, Apostles and (nowadays you got so many titles) that these will be deceived and even led others to fall away from the faith to follow their gods of wealth, power, material possession and false peace and false hope.

Even seeing in my church, and churches in Singapore with all the talks of Singapore being an Antioch of the Asia, i personally have no problem with that, except that i feel, we are missing something really big, bigger than our ministry, than our church that’s God. I see Pastors selling short of themselves by performing amateur magic shows, or writing books to live a good life without mention of God like Joel Osteen, and many more, are following down that road of destruction and not surprising, many more will follow along.

Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis

29 09 2008

Mere Christianity Part 1

For the whole series of Mere Christianity on Youtube and easy listening, click to Christian News Press Daily

I have always view Mere Christianity one of the most fundamental and prominent Christian literature since the early works of the Church Fathers. I encourage everyone to listen through these 2 videos and to get the book, and keeping it as part of your book list.

Murderer of Dreams

29 09 2008

In the midst of the noise of the F1 race weekend in Singapore, and the huge crowd in town, there is another thing that i have witnessed and its effect will be more deeply felt than the race car or the crowded street is that dreams are killed.

I am deeply convinced that a gross injustice is happening within the churches today, is that thousands if not millions of dreams are being destroyed. The Church needs to repent, especially the ‘aristocrats’ of the church need to know that they serve a higher cause than themselves or their organisation itself, that is God. I am deeply disgusted that the church instead of liberating their people, youth or adults to fulfilltheir destiny in God, they kill it even before it began. I wonder, the picture of the mass tombs should be an appropriate picture of the church today and an halocaust of people’s dreams and destiny are emtombed forever by the pharisaic religious body call the Church today.

3 deaths and a wedding

26 09 2008

Not just a satrical joke on the really cheesy movie Four Weddings and a funeral, but within this single week, 3 people i know and indirectly related passed away. two from a stroke, one from cancer, and a wedding of a friend last saturday that i did not attend.

Such events did trigger something inside, that life is so unpredictable. Indeed, we are like a breathe, that we are here one minute and gone in the next. Such fragility of life makes life all the more beautiful, all the more sad, all the more exciting at the same time, all the more tragic. I was listening to F.I.R, (yes yes, i do listen to chinese songs, as i am learning to enjoy them more and more), that songs are so full of passion. It is like songs of Linkin Park, that invokes a strong burst of passion for life, love and social issues, but for me, i have pondered about life itself.

I have achieved nothing, i have nothing, and i realized i am nothing. When one strip away the frivilous details of life, peer away those layers of facade that we cover ourselves to pull a fast one on people, and what remains is a core of deep rotting interior, that we are especially me, inevitable wicked and truly pathetic creatures.

I put on my facebook status – I am certified a Loser in Life. It reflects how i truly feel about myself. Failure in Life, in career wise, and everything else. I have count everything lost, and sometimes i do wonder if God truly exist, or does He still work in the affairs of Man, perhaps He does, but i have found his absence in the evidences of my life, that it is leading straight to a certain end i dread so much.

Trade for Care.

24 09 2008

Care is the rarest commodity in town these days. Care when the world goes on when one of my colleagues failed to see his father for the last time, as he passed away mins before he got to the hospital. There is a lack or absence of care when I at night walked among the Malay community as they peddled their wares in barely decent stall in the heat of the night, earning that meagre sum of money to feed their family. And how about when so called ‘Christian leaders’ put an imaginary chain of bondage on their flock that to say being POOR is not of God and the list goes on and on, that the lack of care numbs us to the gross injustice we see everyday around us, when truth is no longer the most precious commodity, it is just another relative term that is traded loosely. As fast as the foundation of Lehman Brothers was demolished by greeds of the Americans, Truth is replaced by Me’ism in the days of these super preachers, that the foundation of Christian faith is no longer a safe place, and has become just another place to get prosperity. I am sick of such life, that the entire generation, or rather the entire world seems to have lost its own identity both Christians, and Non Christians.

Cards for Life Line!

21 09 2008

Some of the cards i have designed for print for our Church Ministry……..

Say NO to Abortion!

20 09 2008

Say No to Abortion

Abortion is Murder, no matter what way we try to rationalize the action to kill off fetus. Let’s join together in prayer and unity to Silence on 21st Oct 2008 for the Silence of Solidarity.

Loving responsibly.

19 09 2008

It is an irony with a subtle twist of hypocrisy to say that rebuking is tantamount to poison. Then Prophet Nathan’s rebuke of King David was indeed a terrible affair, and we shouldn’t expect any fair amount of rebuke from God Himself, for He chastens those He love and by believing that, are we to make a mockery of the Scriptures?

To make the record straight, i ain’t a prophet, so i often laugh at silly comments to assume I have a special revelation from God. I ain’t holier than any other Christians, but one truth is I will point out a false prophecy. After all, God said we are to test every prophecies, we are to test the spirit of it. Can we or more specifically, I, do it with Love? What’s love that we should hide the truth and coat it in sweet candy floss that the seriousness and gravity of it is ignored? I think the person is more wicked if he doesn’t point out the truth and warn others going down that wide broad road that leads to the fires of hell.

My title of this post – Loving responsibly, shows I ain’t perfect. Mercy would know for sure, i ain’t perfect. I need to learn how to love. I have struggled to love Benny Hinn despite his curses? If i am rebuked in that manner, please do so, and in more rebuke and reminder that I should Love and Love responsibly. That i am guilty and still trying to change. But should i stop writing about the truth? Kim Clement is a false prophet, but in God’s grace and mercy, convict him so he shall find life and repent and turn away from the course that leads to destruction! I shall warn others of following these self styled prophet that prophecized not from God.

I hold and clinch on to the Truth revealed in God’s Words. I do not need special revelation or special interpretation but it is plain in the scripture, that’s good enough for me, and for us. Yet God gave us all a brain to learn textual criticism, not a mystical extra biblical revelation, but through sound doctrines, and sound expository, we shall know the Truth, Truth self revelatory from His Word – The bible!

I approve the comment, because I love such rebuke, and more importantly it is a reminder, i am not perfect, and more so, this person is too a Christian (i assume) so we are commanded to love one another, by this, we are known as a Disciple of Christ.

Kim Clement – The False Prophet

18 09 2008

Quoted from Elijah List Website, where the false prophets and false teachers gather, let God’s children be discerning and steer clear from the so called preachers in Elijah List, and focus on God and what God says.

The False Prophecy of Kim Clement at Elijah List


God says, “There is a sway in the political arena; a change in your political world. Enough of this discussion about Jeremiah Wright.” God said, “This makes no difference. It is a spirit that has endeavored to rock and sway the people and to divide them.” God said, “I will sway it next week. Yes, I will, and because of Pennsylvania, I will raise up the man I want,” says the Lord, “to rule and to reign and to declare victory in the Middle East.”

We declare victory in the Middle East tonight. We declare victory in America tonight.

For the Spirit of God says, “Hear, oh people of Zion. Those who have been afraid in Zion, those who have been afraid in this nation–fear not! For your news media has intimidated you, and therefore, it is My turn. Next week, I will arise. I will change everything.”


For they have unfairly spoken against an African man, and I’m not talking about Jeremiah Wright; I’m talking about Obama. For God said, Even though you may think this or that, there is an element of righteousness inside of him to reach out for Jesus. Therefore, I will sway it next week,” says the Spirit of God, “and I will cause My man, My power–to exalt in the White House what is necessary to declare victory. For this time, I shall rise up and I shall make known who I am in a way that I have never done it in this nation,” says the Lord.


For the Spirit of God says, “Do not say, ‘Is it this one or is it that one?’ Hear me out. I am raising up My mantle, My voice. This nation shall be awakened to a spiritual activity that has been dead for 42 years. Listen to Me,” says the Lord. “I will take over in a way and in a fashion that will bring a force of spiritual unity in this nation for the first time. You can believe it or not. I will take white and I will take African, and I will bring a unity in the Church between the two of them,” says the Spirit of God.

This night in America and in this next week, God has informed us to “watch” as He unfolds and reveals things so you will know that your nation has not been set aside for division and discord; but a time in the Church where African-American, where white or Caucasian, where Hispanic and every race in this nation under the spiritual guidance of the Spirit within a midst of war and division–will bring them to a place of unity.


And God said, “Where one race stood on the steps and covered the fields with million-men marches and Jesus proclamations, there shall be one of the greatest gatherings at the Capitol that you have ever seen,” says the Spirit of God. This time it shall not be black, it shall not be white, it shall not be Hispanic, it shall not be from this or that belief, but there shall be a unified sound. Two years from now, where they will hear the sounds of faith and unity and within this next reign, there will be laws that will be changed in favor of the most High God. Not because of Democrat, not because of Republican, but because of spiritual unity and intervention. I will bring you out of what they call ‘a recession’ into your highest economy that you’ve ever had in your next four years,” says the Spirit of God. “Do not think it impossible, for it shall be so.”

“The gatekeepers (I am speaking of) of this nation are the spiritual leaders–the Apostles and the Prophets, the Teachers, the Evangelists, the Pastors”

“For the gatekeepers of this nation are not the Mayors nor the Senators. The gatekeepers of this nation are not the Congressmen or the Congresswomen. Yes, they are gatekeepers but the gatekeepers (I am speaking of) of this nation are the spiritual leaders–the Apostles and the Prophets, the Teachers, the Evangelists, the Pastors that I’ve raised up. And there shall be a sound of unity that will call from Heaven the manifestation of God as it has never been in this nation. Get ready for your sons and your daughters who will prophesy just like Joel said in the last days. In the last days your sons and your daughters, they shall be prophets and prophetesses and your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall have visions. This is that time,” says the Lord of hosts.


Let not your opinion cloud your spiritual mind. You say, ‘What are you saying?'” The Spirit of God says, “Call them not denominations, rather abominations, for I am not speaking of these that have built walls. I’m speaking of the true warriors that shall sway the political field; that will sway the justice. It shall be more than a million gathered; more than a million gathered!” And God said, “They shall say, ‘Washington, what is this? This is a sound that we have never heard before.'”


And God said, “I will take the entire Northeast and I will shake it and the double portion that I promised upon the Elisha generation shall be released. Do not say we are in recession, for I will take the oil crisis and bring it to an end, and the rapidity of it shall take place because of the unity of the saints and the unity of the gatekeepers. Get ready, for what you have seen on the television regarding Jeremiah Wright and everybody else is not for evil, but for good. I will turn it around and bring unity in My house,” says the Lord of Hosts.


“Your present President will not leave his office or his term in shame. There will be a very precise vindication of numerous things that were scorned, that were mocked by men, that thought they knew but understood nothing. And when the baton is handed over,” God said, “there shall be no fear in the nation.” Now take that and be secure.

I speak not as a politician tonight. I speak to you as a prophetic voice. Not tolerated, but celebrated by the people. Stand firm, you and your house will serve the Lord. And as the prophet Joel said in the last days, your sons and your daughters… sons and daughters are being raised up to prophesy and to have visions. Old men to dream the dreams. That mantle has been cast upon the Church. Therefore, I would say your time of acceleration has reached its peak. You’re taking off!

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Above underlined, are points of contention against Soundness in Doctrines in God’s Words. Should God be swayed from this week or the next, that God should be like man? Moreover, throughout history, God raised leaders (from Moses to King Saul), God has always been a theocracy, he allows a King in King Saul, and later King David a man after His own heart. I believe God instituted the government, but biblical principles call for us to pray for a righteous government and the leaders who love God, but such endorsement reflects the opposite of biblical principle.

Second, this unity in voice stands consistent with the demonic ecumenical movement starting in America. I am for unity but not for the sake of compromising the faith in Christ and in God alone. Not Obama who is a muslim, that if Kim Clement says seeks God, which God is Obama seeking?

Only those raised up by Kim Clement are the gatekeepers that will awake the Spiritual atmosphere of America? Such pride and arrogance. Only God should raise up leaders, who is Kim Clement to assume the authority to do so? Unless God commission like Elijah, and Elisha, can anyone be like Elijah?

America is doomed to go down the road of the biggest financial meltdown, for years of their wickedness and iniquities of Greed, Pride, Murder in the millions of Abortions, the mistreatment of Aliens among their midst, the outright injustice in the land, forsaking the God of the Bible and replacing it, occult, paganism, atheism, and among these, leaders who proclaim Christianity, but denying the power of the Cross – the hypocrisy the leaders of America and many other spiritual leaders in America who have turned away from God to their gods of materialism, and idolatry.

For your information, this false prophecy was given in April. Has the Financial crisis been averted? NO. Shall we see that this false prophecy shall be tested in its authenticity?

International gathering of apostles and prophets?

16 09 2008

A conference for the “Apostles” and the “Prophets” gathering, among them, are Bill Hamon, Tim Hamon, Lance Wallnau, and many others. Notably some of these so called prophets and apostles have a long history of false teachings, false prophets, and teaching that contradicts directly the Scripture and infused with the New Age. Among them are two prominent speakers. And oh yes, to hear from these ‘False prophets and apostles’ you need to pay. Sounds like the Papacy.

Lance Wallnau – Read about him.

Bill Hamon – Read about him.

A place for intellectuals within the church

5 09 2008

I have finished the structure for a book i am writing on “Marks of a Christian Disciple”. Over the last century, at the turn of the 20th century, anti-intellectualism has crept into the evangelical circle that no longer Christianity looks favourably on the role of intellectualism in the Church context, and within the framework of Christianity.

Rick M.Nanez, an Assembly of God missionary who went on to say

Anti-intellectualism keeps us from affecting our insitutions and their various departments with solid Christian thinking. It hinders our ability to think in terms of worldview, that is, to understand the hundreds of otherwise fragmented areas of life in a coherent way. If we are suspicious of the intellect, we are hamstrung when it comes to providing well-thought out answers to difficult quesitons from critics and skeptics. Anti-intellectualism can also lead to dangerous forms of mysticism and a type of superstitious faith. I believe that anti-intellectualism tends to lead Christians into relatively superficial spiritual lives, at least, in comparison to the impact they could make if they engaged in thinking on purpose for the glory of God. Also, mediocrity in the life of the mind leads the Christian subculture to criticize, fear, and condemn the secular institutions that their anti-intellectual, evangelical, and Pentecostal parents and grandparents abandoned the generations before.

I can see objections forming on the argument, that a Christian life has degenerated into superficiality when intellectualism is missing as part of the discipline of a Christian. I would like to put things into perspective.

A Christian life that strives on emotions, is like a boat being tossed around in the storm. A Christian life that despise emotions is no difference from the rigidity of the Law. And there are arguments that can a Christian really able to live life passionately as much as embracing the intellectualistic aspects of the faith? I believe so, and rightly so, this forms the structure and the approach my first book will take on – a Passionate Christian Disciple.

I love what John Piper said

If we take our doctrines into our hearts where they belong, they can cause upheavals of emotion and sleepless nights. This is far better than toying with academic ideas that never touch life.

In my book, it is my passionate pursuit of living out the doctrines and theology, than toying with the idea of Christian Intellectualism, where it never hurt a fly, much less to create a dent in the Kingdom of Darkness with our Sword, adorned in full armour reflecting the glory of God. It is my deepest conviction that the world needs not emotional hypes or appeals to the same, but a courageous example that stood out in the fortress of knowledge that exalts God, one that remains subject to the fiery passion of His sovereignty. That’s my pursuit, my passion and my call.

Faith of Obama

4 09 2008

Obama does clearly believe that the form of Christianity that he committed to at Trinity Church in 1985 is not the only path to God. “I am rooted in the Christian tradition,” he has said. Nevertheless he asserts, “I believe there are many paths to the same place and that is a belief there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.” He first saw his broad embrace of faith modeled by his mother. “In our household,” he has explained, “The Bible, [t]he Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf . . . on Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to a church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.” (p.55 of Mansfield’s book, quoting from Audacity of Hope, Obama, p. 203).

Obama tries to distance himself from being an Islamic fundamentalist by his new stance of a New Age Philosophical view and that in an Occultic Spiritualistic View that all paths lead to God, and God is in All.