A letter from Shultz.

6 11 2008

From the desk of Steve Shultz:

I’ve never seen less clarity than during this season over who would be the next President. This, I believe, was a tactic of God. And I’ve always said God can change a man or a nation in a moment. I’ve also said God is NOT a Republican nor a Democrat. HE is in charge of the universe.

Jesus had ample opportunity to criticize the government of HIS day. Yet HE chose to correct the People of God instead. Both parties have things they have done right and have also done wrong.

Earlier this morning, our editor Julie Smith and I were praying and talking about the election outcome. She shared with me that last night after Barack Obama was announced the winner, God simply told her to “Pray for him like he is a son.” I believe this is the heart of God over our new President-elect – because he is a son and we are to pray for him as one.

Please keep the current and the next President in your prayers. This is a both-and situation. I TRULY believe that for most prophetic voices, God HID who would be the next President. And add to the fact that we are the most righteous nation on the earth, giving generously and praying fervently in this last season. We are a people that need to stand and not allow the rift of this nation to get any wider than what it already is.

I could go on, but this is simple and irrefutable. We often ask why a given prayer is not answered. Well, it is. God always answers the prayer of agreement. God knows our prayers even before we pray them. It says so in the Word. Nothing is without the will and purpose of God. Nothing!

I leave you with this Scripture – this applies to every creature on earth and every man, woman and child:

Psalm 139:16, “Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”

When i read this email, i am shocked, actually not shocked by their arrogance. Generally there are others who said Barack Obama’s victory is a defeat for the Christian and Evangelical Community, and the world around, not that he is the first Afro American to win the presidency of the United States, but because he stands for every thing contradicting the Christian faith, and first his secrecy of his faith is a subject of question, second, he is pro abortion, is that what Steve Shultz says, God’s heart is with this man who supports abortion, an act of murder of millions of babies????

How about when Steve’s arrogance to say America is the MOST righteous nation on earth? I am shocked that the extent of his false doctrines cometh with pride, pride that is an evidence of his wickedness. America is far from being the most righteous nation on earth, with millions of babies murdered each year, with the immoral weak leadership of the nation that sells on greed that led to the collapse of the economy of a nation, with corruption, sexual immorality that only an apt description of the Ancient Babylon befitting of the nation of America. Unless Steve Shultz and his group of wicked ‘false prophets’ and ‘false teachers’ of Elijah List repent, they too will perish together with their flock of apostates.

I grieve to learn Obama is the new president of the United States. In hearing his speech at Chicago, he will go on to create a common economic market that will set the stage of the end times, a muslim in ‘christian’ clothing will shift United States’ stand in the world affairs, especially in the area of Israel’s conflicts in the Middle East. Now thousands if not Millions of babies will be legally murdered and supported by Obama administration, and directly Steve Shultz.

The breed of evil

13 03 2008

The truth is that so often, Christians are numbed to wrong doctrines and teachings. As my eyes caught the title of the Elijah List newsletter this morning, which reads two articles

Kingdom Wealth
Ahwatukee (Phoenix), Arizona
With Patricia King and Joshua Mills
Worship with Steve Swanson
God’s promise is to meet all our needs exceedingly and abundantly beyond our ability to ask or imagine! He is a God without limit, and in Him there is provision and blessing that we have not even begun to tap into. Join Patricia King and Joshua Mills as they teach, preach, and prophesy the bounty of God into your life. You will learn to position yourself to see ever-increasing manifestations of the Lord’s plenty not only in finances, but in every are of your life. Come and learn to grab hold of Kingdom Wealth as you never have before!


The New Mystics
Phoenix (Mesa), Arizona
With Patricia King, John Crowder, Jamie Galloway, Jason Westerfield, and worship with Steve Swanson
There is a new breed of believer being raised up in this hour. One who is willing to embrace the mysteries of the Christian walk to wander deep into the heart of God and the power of the cross. This new breed is a generation of seekers who have said yes to all God has, no matter what the cost. It is not a generation based on age or experience, but one based on hunger. Do you long to be a member of this new breed God is establishing? If so, join this gathering of prophets, preachers and teachers as they delve into the secrets of God and see the Kingdom revealed to us all.

The two very teachings that have subverted the churches today with Lust of Greed, New Age teachings that on the surface, seems all godly and right, but ask the question. Is the Kingdom of God about wealth? And what about Mystics? Are we to go back to Merton’s Catholic mysticism that is enwtined with Eastern paganism?

Question is, what is the Gospel? Can the above two teachings co-exist with the Gospel of Jesus. In very short summary, can wealth and mysticism, be part of a gospel that is Christ-centred, NOT man, and the ultimate fulfillment of our being can only be found in Christ, not wealth. When preachers and teachers twisted the Word of God to words that people want to hear, they diluted the very central teachings of the Gospel. It is a message of God’s Love for us that He sent Christ to die for our sins, and through that we might find Salvation through Christ’s substitutionary death on the Cross and through His resurrection, a Hope that we will be too, be resurrected in glory with Him. It is all about the message, and let’s not divert from it.

I have put here a video, and which Mercy and I had a rather huge disagreement about his overly emotional outbursts.

Tell me what’s wrong?