Nashville: Redefining a new generation

4 11 2007

I am in Singapore and i’ve been hearing a lot about Nashville and the Call which fell on the 7th July 2007. Mercy has been talking alot about the Call and she has been listening to Misty Edwards who was a worship leader at this conference.

I believe God is raising up a standard through every new generation; from Joshua, to Gideon, to David, to the Apostolic church, and in today Evangelical movement, there are huge emphasis been placed on the Youth, the Generation  Y. I reflected on this over the last few days, there must be more than this.

When 100,000 gathered at Nashville, to pray and to intercede and to repent on behalf of their nation – America, something must happen, like in Nineveh, where the entire city repented from the message of Jonah, and the same, will America repent from their wicked ways? Mercy said i shouldn’t be so critical and so skeptical; in fact i am not, i am just wondering, is this another feel good session of the masses, or will the action and prayer of those 100,000 at the Conference reverberated throughout time? Many will turn back from their wicked ways – drugs, sexual sins, adultery, etc to God.

How about Singapore? We stood at the edge of a moral revolution in the advance of the homosexual community, can we the church stand in the gap and pray? I was walking out from Mercy’s place a few days ago after sending her back, and began to pray, that there must be more, i am tired of traditional ritualistic church habits that we need to press in, aren’t we tired what we are doing day in day out? I pray God will deliver me soon from this predicament of being trapped in the mundane of the worldly