An absolutely priceless picture of a man united fan.

15 04 2008

Man United fan with a chi hua hua

Ok Arsenal don’t deserve to win after a hand assisted goal from Adebayor and of course a former Chelski reject Gallas handball (of which he looked shocked and innocent), Arsenal lost to a way better team (I hate to say this). But that’s NOT the point, the point is that Football Channel was having a EPL Viewing Party of Man United fans and Arsenal fans, of which one of the interview during half time, I saw a BOY stroking a CHI HUA HUA! I mean…… hey only GIRLS do that! But hey, i can’t blame him, he is a MAN UNITED FAN, they tend to be weird.

New hive of activities!

7 04 2008

We are scheduled for a move in on the 1st week of May, pending some minor renovation, slight decoration of the place from a rustic colonial house to a comfortable and exciting place! Below are some of the photos for the new place!

The area for our mugging! Well The windows will be covered with IKEA’s dark coloured blind, which i feel maybe black? The light outside will be fixed to allow orange light to come into the area in the evening to make it warm and i think it is going to be quite a place to work!

The overview of the hall and part of it will be partitioned out for the chill out zone! Check out the next photo!

This is the Chill Out Zone! Pardon my bro, Mr ‘possy’ in the photo, he is helping to do some measuring of the place for our deco materials. The wall behind that TV will be painted in dark Grey and the shelves removed of course, and we got 2 two-seater Sofa in ORANGE! haha. Yea, from IKEA and in the middle with a squarish coffee table and a very old-school rug and not forgetting two IKEA standing lamp with orangy light. And we will have a TV there too! This is our Chill Out Zone with PS2, Cable TV where we can catch some Football action too!

This is the small garden from the gate of the house. WE will have some wooden bench, some outdoor light installed and a perfect place to chill out if it is not raining cos the foot path will be flooded if it is pouring. Anyway Mercy will be planting some flowers to beautify the place too!

The small gate and our newly acquired Belingo, the red vehicle, and even a private drive way to the place. And we might need to clear the tree on the right because the roots are kinda cracking up the pathway. And maybe getting an outdoor swing will be nice.

Ok, a sneak preview of our new place! Will update more photos when the renovation and decorations are done up!

Prosperty and Health in our Gospel message

4 04 2008

This caught my attention on one of the article

“Christians sometimes are, rightfully, less focused on this world and sometimes we do that to a fault,” said Diggs. “I am diametrically opposed to the health-and-wealth prosperity teachings, but that isn’t to say that God doesn’t bless people financially.”

This reminded me of what God brought to my attention not long ago, that i do not need to be overly righteous, nor overly wicked, and maintaining a balance, the above sentence echoes the sentiment of my stance towards Health and Wealth teachings, that i oppose it however who am i to say God doesn’t bless one financially. I believe where our heart is, there our treasure would be also. In another word, it is not the accessibility of wealth that our Christian walk is depended on but rather on the every word of God has spoken with relation to Him. If we remain focused on that and rooted that principle in our lives, be it health, or ill health, wealth or broke, what is it to stop us from praising God and following Him wholeheartedly?

Snipplets of Life – 7 March

7 03 2008

Nothing much happened today except that it is a really warm day! Bah. It was cold and wet yesterday, and hot and humid today, the weather is getting to me, especially hate it when i perspire so much.

Anyway lunch was a quick bite at some Hainanese chicken rice, and it was so-so but it came with nice soup! Walallalaaa nice. Anyway as i was walking around after lunch, saw one familiar face from Grace Assembly, and i can’t remember her name.

Neck’s aching with shoulder in pain, and wow, the week passes so fast and i was still thinking it is Thursday today, but it is now at the weekend, that Samuel’s daughter is having her 1-month celebration and not sure what i will be getting her my little niece. Ah feel so darn old now that i am official an uncle. Bah, old man Dan.

Snipplets of Life – 6th March

6 03 2008

It is a rainy Thursday. Almost woke up late for work from the good sleep I had, I simply love this weather to sleep in, but Oh well. Got on the bus and realized it is packed and I have no idea why SBS Transit has to plan for a single deck bus to come at the peak hour where they have tons of double deck buses, and as a result, the bus is packed. I have to go all the way to the back as some just refuses to move in.

There is this man who pushes his way to the back and I was wondering why, and until he found the seat to sit down, he has a handicap problem. WOW, I was kinda asking why no one bothers to give up the seat for him. Anyway he seems like the sort that won’t appreciate such help, as such showing of concern could only be seen as a sign of pity.

Thereafter, i’ve to walk a short distance to the office in the rain, and got into a heated conversation with Mercy. Then again, I love that girl, what can I do? I mean which couple never fought in their lifestyle? No right? Duh.

Boss treated lunch at Harrys and it was good. At least hey free lunch is always good. Got a place to go to now for our 2nd year anniversary with Mercy and since I am not the kind to keep surprises, I told her about it.

Having a terrible headache after a short but totally irrelevant phone conversation with Mercy, (YES, again, another heated conversation of blaming me for something she apparently should have taken more responsibility for!). Ok, this is not the usual “Blame the girl”tactic, alright?

Little Snipplets of Life – 5th March

5 03 2008

While having lunch today, I overheard two ladies sitting near me in a conversation of their colleague who took MC from her Maternity Leave.

“You know, there are 700 babies aborted last year….”

Ok I was wondering how they got the statistics and I was tempted to ask them that, but i did not.

Typing on a clicky clickly keyboard without the rubber cover is getting irritating, and i love the silence in punching the keys on the macbook. Sigh, i hope that rubber cover is still lying somewhere in church. Now how did i miss that last Sunday?

Had the talk on the Evolution, and as much as I am eager to get feedback, a warning from the Holy Spirit to keep that pride down. I must say, I am shocked at how it went, and definitely not me. Even i did not follow my own notes, but allow it to go along. I pray that Josiah’s friend did get the message about the need for a Saviour.

Pastor Chong Yew sent a message from Korea today that there will be a breakthrough this year, and Amen, Mercy and I are looking forward to that breakthrough. But before that happens, what do we need to do as we see a huge insurmountable mountain remains before us. We are exhausted to the point of despair.

Got an email from a dear brother this morning 7am! (Geesh, he is an early riser) about my duties this month for the Music Ministry, and I must say, I am rather concerned that there remains a certain lack of understanding when I emailed him that I needed a month off to visit the few churches I have planned for the month of March to decide which church to attend. And then as I remember this….

I have not spent as much time as I should have with God this few weeks. Every single thing in this few weeks are vying for my attention and left me pretty much exhausted especially in the area of finances and work. Determining which career path to go, weighing the various options, counting the cost have been some of the things in my mind, and I confessed I have not spent time with Him to give God the lead in these areas of my life now, and I must, soon, to go to Him for direction and leading rather than relying on my own understanding….

Then… the verse came back “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, and He shall direct your path” in Proverbs. A simple verse only requires a simple obedience, but me, a bonafide numbskull has made it so complicated, and why can’t human just simply obey, instead of rationalizing in their head, and let the heart rules for once. Oh i am so guilty of these intellectual-bollocks.

My beloved Vodka

21 02 2008


This is my beloved Vodka. Even tho I have not being spending time with him, he has always been a great example of faithfulness and love. I was hugging him last night and just spending time with him and i must have figured how much more it delights my Father’s heart when i spend time with Him in the same way, despite God knowing all our weaknesses, His Grace and Mercy shall never end, and in our fellowship, He delights in us just as I delight in Vodka’sĀ  fellowship.

My first official article

20 10 2007

Article onĀ

My first official article on, about why England will never win; a football tournament. Go check it out!

Mercy and I

27 03 2007


Over the weekend, I’ve proposed to Mercy and she said YES. We went to the first place we had our first date and i popped the question. For the last one year, there was lots of ups and downs, but we made it, because of Jesus, not by our own efforts. We till today, remains very happy despite being poor or rich, nothing will steal our joy in Christ. We got a letter from HDB that our application for a flat is preliminary approved and has been placed in the ‘first timer group’ in the ballot for a place at Bt Merah, and we will know the result in May.

Snipplets of Life #2

22 02 2007

How to overcome the world? When i become bigger than the world itself for greater is He who is in me than he that is in the World.

Little snipplets of life #1

21 02 2007

I hate Amos, I hate Andrea, I hate Simone. Without these 3, will my life be a lot better? Hate is not the answer, Forgiveness is.