Passion is calling out in the streets!

26 07 2008

I have seen the fiery passion of football fans cheering in a match that brings beyond the 90th minute. And for something so temporal, the level of passion is astonishing. except that when it comes to what it really matters, passion is missing.

There is this boy, who passion for Football, has caused him to miss church, and even neglect his duty as a youth leader in the church. I wonder, i would be  like him but i was not. Not that i am not athletic, but i came to a conclusion very much earlier in life that i am all sold out for God. But wondering, if the  lack of passion for God is the very thing that is needed to see a new generation of young Christians to take this world by storm.

Life is too short to have ever live in fiery passion for the sole purpose to love Him, my Saviour! ~ Daniel

Lack in Passion

3 01 2008

The theme of Passion for Christ reverberates throughout the opening week of the brand new year of 2008, left me wondering are we passionate? After indulging in the music of F.I.R, i wonder, have my passion for Christ match up to the rhythm of the secular expression in the notes of the band, and i am left with a conclusion, not even a fraction of it. The only person i ever know, and still endeavor to know is Jesus. His Passion for us is complete, and is fiery, to the point of death, He went through it all for me and you of course. Oh how i have lack that passion.


8 12 2007

The single call to this generation is PASSION, one which is the key to another standard of intimacy of our Lord Jesus, how can you NOT be passionate, burning with passion to seek the one person which ought to be the focus of our pursuit!? If you are not, REPENT, seek Him with all your heart, soul and mind! That’s Passion, it is a single relentless pursuit emotionally, mentally and physically!

I am the worst of the sinners, that i have played this dirty game of religion call institutionalized christianity, we have surrounded ourselves with our doctrines, our theology that we have forgotten about the Bridegroom, who will come back soon for His Church. Are we ready? Hardly.

How many of us have played the dirty game of religion, while professing the Cross but deny the power of it, what it stands for, and how many only picked up our bible on Sunday to browse a couple of verses, and feel good that we have read the Word. How long can we go on and lie to ourselves that we can stay within the premises of the Church’s covering and not risk the wrath of God for our lukewarmness! We can’t sit on the fence of indifference, i can’t anymore.

Passion is the key, Pastor Bruce Allen has preached with a single emphasis that God looks for those who are passionate about Him. To all who prophesied, do you serve your own god of prophetic gifts but missing out on the heart of our Father; to all who teach, do you exalt knowledge above the centrality of His Message of Salvation to all Nations that they SHALL be saved; to all who pastor, are you facing burning out, and missing out the source of our ultimate shepherd – Jesus.

It is our birthright, to see Jesus. How many of us have seen Him? It is written “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God – Matthew 5:8” and if you are truly born again, you CAN see God. I have seen visions, of things, that i can’t share, but how deep, how strong, how desperate are you for the desire to see Jesus. For in the Day where we shall see Jesus and many will say to Him, Lord Lord, I have driven out demons in Your name, i have raise the dead, but Jesus will say to them, Depart from me for I do know you. That is a humble reminder that it is not how many prophesy we can prophesied, but it is INTIMACY. That’s PASSION. I am burning while writing this, and i can’t express the burning passion to see God face to face. I want to ask him so many questions like Lord, am i worthy of Your Love, am i worthy of your death, am i worthy of Your Mercy?! and I want to ask him all that’s in my heart and share and fellowship till eternity!