Taking Revival to the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

28 10 2007

Taking Revival to the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

A very good article about Hillsongs Australia, now having started up churches in London, Paris and Kiev. While the author explores the corporate operations of the church stemming out of Australia Sydney, the fundamental theological makeup of Hillsongs in the usual Pentecostal’s prosperity message, and to the various agendas as perceived by many of its anti-hillsongs groups, i believe that if a church were to hit the world, it needs to be salty.

Pastor Frankie shared on why John the Baptist was called the Greatest prophet of his time and before by Jesus, because John turned the nation back to God. How many John the Baptist we have today? Hillsongs, while many will see them as cavalier, and all about money, they have done more good than those critics who have not lifted their finger to impact their world for Jesus as Hillsongs have done. From the community driven projects to Hope Rwanda, to Hillsongs Europe, many people have turned back to God cos of their songs, their elaborated social community projects, their driven worship; as many are turning to God.

Hillsongs are impacting the generation for Christ, are you? Am i? This generation is to lose or gain by our decision everyday to live as Christ did. Time does not allow us to live as we pleased, for Christ will come back soon, and when He did, will he see a generation lost by our slumber?