Catholics move to make Mary equal with Jesus

7 03 2010

For so many deluded and obviously ignorant catholics who claimed that Mary was never been put on the same equal status with Christ as the only Saviour through God’s plan for Mankind’s salvation. This is a probably a wake up call to all catholics who sincerely love Jesus and God and share the same faith that Jesus IS the ONLY way to God, turn away from the apostate catholic church!




One response

23 03 2010
Pastor Andy

The Catholic church is definitely a confusing organization. I have family and friends who are Catholics, even served a summer Chaplaincy education with a Catholic seminarian, and they all are/were closer to Jesus than many protestant Christians. But we can’t argue the fact that their doctrine and traditions are misleading, and some even heresy.
I’ve often heard Methodists say that if John Wesley saw how “his” denomination was behaving today, he’d turn over in his grave. I don’t doubt Mary would do the same.

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