The other side

28 03 2008

When the time has frozen in moments of pain, the reflection of the sinless Lamb grazed through the shattered world, in the brokenness, the love of a Father was hung on the Cross, rung the message of Man’s redemption.

The inner reflection of the weekend passed through the commemoration of the Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection, the world passed by without much notice for their hope they have been fighting for.

The Church needs to arise, through the grips of materialism and greed and lust for the things of this world, let the young generation arise, and there will be, an undying fiery passion of Christ, that soars through this broken world to bring healing to a world that’s lost and broken.

For the last one week, a group of us came up with an idea that we believe strongly that God will use the movement to go into the world to change lives, through the hope of caring for the poor, the widow, clothed the downtrodden, to bring healing through medical care, through love in the last stage of lives, and to bring the message of our Lord to the people who are ignored by the organized religion! I pray for God to open doors for this movement to be established.

China to open the largest Bible printing plant

12 12 2007

URL: Christianity Today

Within the openly-atheistic nation of China, a paradigm shift is happening as the largest bible printing plant will be opened in China, managed by the United Bible Societies, to supply more than 1 million bibles per month to the increasing demand of religious and spiritual awareness. The influx of recent affluence to the rapid industrialized nation has caught many with the evil of wealth and seeks spiritual solace. The message of a hope in a Saviour has attracted many who are disillusioned by material abundance within the society. While China is still listed as the worst religious violator in the world, as many ‘underground’ churches are being persecuted with equal tenacity as Emperor Nero would in the early church days. I pray as the pattern of evangelistic movement has shown over the last hundred years or so that with modernization, evangelistic movement will be made easier to hit inland and offering hope in the message of the Gospel of Jesus to those who desperately needs it.

Human Rights: China detains managers of Australian company for spreading christianity

23 11 2007

BEIJING, CHINA — Three senior employees of an Australian owned multi-million dollar bio-engineering corporation in China’s Guangdong province remained detained Thursday, November 22, and their company closed, over allegations of involvement in “illegal” Christian activities. It came after Guangzhou Enoch Biological Science and Technology Co., was raided by various Chinese government agencies, said Christian rights group China Aid Association (CAA). Read on the article, click here

Hit the street with the gospel! Join us!

23 11 2007

We will take the gospel to the streets – Clark Quay, next Saturday 1 Dec 2007 at night! If anyone wants to join us in this adventure with God, drop me an email :

The place is one of the nightspots with lots of people who needs God. We will be going down with some tracts, and we will be praying for these people! Pray for God to prepare the hearts of these people and let the Holy Spirit move before us, for we dare not move ahead of what God wants to do.