God never fails

2 02 2010

Ephesians 1:11 says in Him we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

In times of great adversity, God’s people are greatly encouraged. For there is no mountains too high, no oceans too deep that our paths in life is hidden from God’s sovereignty. I’m reminded again and again that no matter what trials and difficulty I faced ahead, I am assured in God because he is still in control and has never failed me even in times of darkness! I am encouraged by Paul’s words that everything including the good and the bad works in consistency with the purpose of my God’s will! Indeed He is a good and great God whose will I shall find delight in.

Murderer of Dreams

29 09 2008

In the midst of the noise of the F1 race weekend in Singapore, and the huge crowd in town, there is another thing that i have witnessed and its effect will be more deeply felt than the race car or the crowded street is that dreams are killed.

I am deeply convinced that a gross injustice is happening within the churches today, is that thousands if not millions of dreams are being destroyed. The Church needs to repent, especially the ‘aristocrats’ of the church need to know that they serve a higher cause than themselves or their organisation itself, that is God. I am deeply disgusted that the church instead of liberating their people, youth or adults to fulfilltheir destiny in God, they kill it even before it began. I wonder, the picture of the mass tombs should be an appropriate picture of the church today and an halocaust of people’s dreams and destiny are emtombed forever by the pharisaic religious body call the Church today.

Lab grown meat is the buzz

24 04 2008

It’s part contest, part science and definitely a good PR stunt; the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is offering a $1-million prize to the first person who can develop a way to produce meat in a lab without killing any animals. Digital Journal

Producing meat in a lab without killing any animals, now that sounds weird in a sacrilegious manner. The irony of human achievements to be like God to create food from the natural order from animals and plants, that we think we held the power to ‘create’ food in a controlled environment. The sheer audacity reminds me of the generation that thought they could reach heaven by their architecture. If human race can create meat in a lab, what is next? Babies? And what’s the significance of that? It keeps me wondering will the human race destroy themselves through their arrogance to think they can be like God?

Clashes of feelings

5 12 2007

I have a taste of what to expect for the next few weeks, a clash of mixed feelings, of perpetual fear to a cry of hope. I am human, a sorrowful puddle of contradictions that still bound to this fallen flesh, while within a renewed spirit striving on the hope in Christ for what’s to come. I will not lie, nor run away from the fact, there is a certain degree of fear, and i suppose that’s normal for what’s human without fear, for someone to venture into something as huge as this without fear is sheer audacity insanely. My trust must and should remain in God, to take every step in the venture with God. Let my heart Father be humbled by your Grace and Mercy, I can’t do it without You, and I want You on board. Exciting times ahead, but let me not stray away from You, and let my heart seeks after you wholeheartedly!

Are you confused?

1 12 2007

I do not usually approve such comment, but for this specific one, I would want to show God loves this person, despite the confusion and the anger from years of ‘church’ christianity that has shown what not faith is all about. Here’s the comment from a beloved brother.

I personally believe that the bible was written several hundred years ago, published and distributed in an attempt (by governing authorities) to control the masses of the public.

The bible which contains 66 books were written over the span of 3000 years. This is a historical fact, can be proven scientifically, historically. And in fact, its first public distribution was by Gutherberg in 1472. And however, through the many years contradicting to your belief, many governing authorities tried to destroy the Scriptures – from the Roman Empire Emperor Nero being the worst persecutor of Christians, from Communism, to Nazism. In fact Lenin and Karl Marx said, Christianity is a clutch for humankind. Perhaps the closest to Authorities using Christianity or rather their Christianity which its fundamental beliefs are far from the Scriptural Christianity to motivate the public to war like the Papacy in the Crusades. But hardly the Popes are Christians themselves than murderers.

Using the bible was a way for the U.S. Government to control the public by appealing to their conscious through a mythical authority such as “God”, “Jesus”, or even the “Devil”, or “Satan”.

You may be surprised, more Americans do not believe in Devil or even a personal saviour like Jesus within the government of America. Do you think George Bush is a Christian more for political favour and affiliation than an actual relationship with Jesus? Or Hilliary Clinton? I am not in position to judge, but their actions speak volume about their lifestyle that’s not consistent with the Scriptures.

I fell for this shit as a teenager. I lived my earlier years dealing with this life oppressing and life altering bullshit. I finally discovered that as a black man living in America, instead of relying on “God”, I needed to stake my claim on R-E-S-P-E-C-T by educating myself and by determining that I would NOT allow myself to be disrespected.

I am sorry that in your situation that you were oppressed for a faith in a God you think is hugely epitomized by the White through the subtle racism that influence your view on what the scriptures actually taught. And i do respect your views, however, i urge you brother, to put aside the race factor and read the scripture as it, and see Jesus as who he is. He is not an advocate for the White race, or any Aryan supremacy. Trust me, as an Asian, we had a history with the British Empire colony in Singapore, and i know how you feel.

It’s unfortunate that a lot, if not most, of Black Americans have fallen victim to this religious bullshit called Christianity. I now refuse to believe that the “God” of the “Bible” exist. I don’t believe that “Jesus” existed. If he did exist, then HE of all people should have realize that it is totally unfair for an “Almighty God” to require the people of the world (who have had absolutely no type of access to 100% truth or have ever seen a divine miracle by Jesus) to put all of their trust and faith in a person written about around 2000 years ago, who claimed to be the son of God (the so called Creator Of The Universe)in order to be assured of eternal life in paradise rather than an eternal existence in a place of torment.

In  my search for the Truth, one common problem existed, the inevitable evil of Man. Many religion existed for the purpose of rectifying that problem. For the issue of the existence of Jesus, do you believe Napoleon existed? Or even Hitler? Have you ever seen Abraham Lincoln himself? Or maybe do you believe the LAST supper was painted by Leonardo? Well i have never seen any of these people, but i believe they existed, because ONE, they left behind evidences of their existence. Same with Jesus, you said Bible is all confusing, or faith in a person who lived 2000 years ago, in fact, the bible has been anything but confusing. Thousands if not more, scholastic achievement, and scientific achievement are not possible without the revelation within the Scriptures itself. The Bible has been put on trial, and has never failed. And when people said the Scriptures are full of contradictions, it is mostly due to the limited understandings of it. Like when i first studied Shakespeare, it is confusing, until i am more acquainted with the semantics of the languages used.

I understand that this will be almost impossible for most people to comprehend, but if you take time to think about it, and think about what your own opinion of the “Almighty God” is and what you’ve been told about the type of Love and Compassion that the “Almighty God” is suppose to have for YOU and for all of Humanity, you’ll begin to realize that all of the information that you’ve been listening to for all of these years is so damn confusing and contradictary. In other words, IT’S ALL BULLSHIT!!!!!! Doesn’t the bible say that “God is not the author of confusion?” Well, the fact that this is written in the bible means that if YOU TRULY believe that the bible was written by the inspiration of “God”, then the bible contradicted itself just by that statement because the bible is FULL Of Contradictions which creates CONFUSION.

Pick a bible up and turn to the book of Proverbs, and tell me that it is a book that promotes confusion. A lack of understanding of the subjects and context the Bible is saying, is not equal to confusion. Throughout history, Bible is proven consistent, with many intellectuals trying to disprove it but failed. Read Josh McDowell’s attempt to disprove it, but he became a believer because the evidences are overwhelming, and many more. The most amazing thing is, God does not need to prove the bible is the truth, because it is. And He loves you no matter what, and He is extending His invitation to come in and show you the truth, only if you are willing to.

To all of the African American “Christians” out their, Get Off Of Your Knees!!! Don’t Waste Your Time Praying To A God Who Isn’t In The Business Of Granting Requests. You’ve Been Created With All Of The Necessary Tools To Be Self Sufficient. Learn to do what ever it takes to happily exist in this country and to just live on this planet. Consider this message that was written by ME to be the answer to your prayers that just happen to be heard by our TRUE Creator. YOU have what it takes to answer your OWN requests. Get off of your knees and go to work or go back to school and learn something new that you can work at in order to take care of yourselves and your family. If not, just lay down and die. The choice is yours. Either way, you’ll win. But, if you stay on your Knees expecting “God” to do something for you, YOU’LL LOSE!!!!!!!

I agree with you partly. Christians are told to pray and WORK. A lazy hand is a poor man’s curse. The bible encourage us to learn, take care of our families through Work, and it adjusted our attitude to love our God, and our family and those around us. But i dare not move ahead without going down on my knee, and even if i have to move ahead on bended knees, i will do it. Brother, i do not know you, but i will be keeping you in prayer, and I love you and i hope to hear from you. I will not preach Christianity to you, but i want to know more about you. Do write to me 🙂 My Email is daniel.ho@gmail.com God bless you!

An urgent desperation!

21 11 2007

I love what’s on the homepage of the Desperation Band – a generation in desperate pursuit of God. After listening to the song “Coming your way” which my heart cries for the presence of God. Oh how feeble and pathetic my effort in living this life so far, so lacking in the FIERY passion to pursue Him. Dare i to take a stand with His banner lifted up high in desperation to see God move in this generation that we will see millions turn to Him? God how we need you to move or we will die!