As an old scottish preacher has long ago said…

30 04 2008

The old Scottish preacher Henry Drummond was right on target when he said, “[Jesus] built no church [buildings], wrote no book, left no money, and erected no monuments, yet show me ten square miles in the whole earth without Christianity where the life of man and the purity of women are respected and I will give up Christianity.”

Pastor Rachel sent me an email of how Atheism has invaded the youtube space in challenging the Christian faith with questions like can God heal an amputated patient? While the question is totally legitimate, i would hold on to answer the question without exploring what world view in which this question is asked.

I am attempting to present our side of statement, not necessarily an argument, from a point view of a world view that’s consistent with God’s Words. The problem of SIN extends far beyond the damage of our relationship with God, but ultimately in our view towards problems, and in ourselves – a perverted and distorted perception that is not only consistent with what God said about them in the Book of Romans, but define the darkness that exudes from the Atheist mindset.

It was not a coincidence when we talked about Sin in the foundation class with Boon Wan last Sunday and Pastor Sally’s message is on the Sin and the mindset of the Flesh, and in the issue of Christians walking in the flesh or in the Spirit. I believe it is a wake up call from God especially in my life, in the various areas of my flesh, i need to particularly look out for and stay humble.

It is time to walk the talk, and not just talk the talk

Is this the gospel?

24 04 2008

A friend wrote on facebook notes

You are writing a Gospel,
A chapter each day

By the deeds that you do
And the words that you say

Men read what you write
whether faithful or true

Just what is the Gospel
according to you?

– Anonymous

Can this be the gospel? Our lives? Our words? What we write? Our life is a testament, a reflection of the Gospel and its work on our lives. Can what we write or how we live it be really the gospel? Then, this is consistent with the Emerging Church doctrines that we are indeed can be god. The scriptures spoke plainly of the Gospel which is the good news of Jesus coming down from heaven, dying for our sins on the Cross, and through faith in Him we are justified, and He is coming back soon. That’s the gospel and Apostle Paul urged us to continue to be faithful to the message of the Gospel. Do not change the message of the gospel thinking we are the message.

Lab grown meat is the buzz

24 04 2008

It’s part contest, part science and definitely a good PR stunt; the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is offering a $1-million prize to the first person who can develop a way to produce meat in a lab without killing any animals. Digital Journal

Producing meat in a lab without killing any animals, now that sounds weird in a sacrilegious manner. The irony of human achievements to be like God to create food from the natural order from animals and plants, that we think we held the power to ‘create’ food in a controlled environment. The sheer audacity reminds me of the generation that thought they could reach heaven by their architecture. If human race can create meat in a lab, what is next? Babies? And what’s the significance of that? It keeps me wondering will the human race destroy themselves through their arrogance to think they can be like God?

Hi I am flawed, and my name is humbled

18 04 2008

LOL just another thoughts of what I’ve learnt for the past few days. In the midst of being swarmed by work these days, and always making conscious effort to recognize God and the relationship I need so desperately in the swirl of a chaotic and busy life. For one, i think i am taking major strides in connecting with people especially over Facebook where i have re-connected with people i have lost contact with for such a long time, be it from the Officers School, or childhood friends, and more recently, beginning to talk to more people in church. And all these, with no less than what Mercy has tried to do in my life, and she is such a great lady.

I went to the cell group last night and well, they talked about Giving away yourselves as an act of Love. With a long list of verses and things that we are supposed to be asking in which area we are struggling with. For me, a glance through the list, i realised i am struggling with every single one of them. And i guess showing Love is the ultimate expression of our faith. And in exercising the act of selfless love, through the Eyes of Christ, we show ourselves as a disciple of Christ. Ok i will put up the list when Isaac emailed it over.

For a little side track, i have just removed someone i can’t help but feel totally disgusted and at the same time, a little pity. A hint of lost and disgust, but no regrets in doing so.

In the Friday’s rat race, where a feeling of something slipping beyond the grasp is unbelievably real, i wonder what is in store in the next few months. I hate to think i am tossed in the wind of circumstances, and i thirst for the solidarity in a rock.

My verse for today, as from yesterday’s cell group.

Therefore accept one another, just as the Messiah also accepted you, to the glory of God. Romans 15:7

An absolutely priceless picture of a man united fan.

15 04 2008

Man United fan with a chi hua hua

Ok Arsenal don’t deserve to win after a hand assisted goal from Adebayor and of course a former Chelski reject Gallas handball (of which he looked shocked and innocent), Arsenal lost to a way better team (I hate to say this). But that’s NOT the point, the point is that Football Channel was having a EPL Viewing Party of Man United fans and Arsenal fans, of which one of the interview during half time, I saw a BOY stroking a CHI HUA HUA! I mean…… hey only GIRLS do that! But hey, i can’t blame him, he is a MAN UNITED FAN, they tend to be weird.

Planetshakers @ Singapore Expo Pavillion

11 04 2008

Went to the Planetshakers concert at Singapore Expo last night. Mercy and I were late and I ain’t in a mood to be late for something so there was something really wrong with my attitude i guess. As soon as we got it, i felt like it is another of these concerts where people get so hyped up and all, but i think God gently rebuked me and I began to repent and started worshiping.

Man, it has to be the best worship I have ever been to for a long long time, and frankly, no churches in Singapore can ever be compared to this. No regards of personal decorum, just outburst of expressions in worship and I was almost dancing, except for the short gap between the chairs that i am ‘stuck’ to the ground.

It was totally engaging, totally outpouring of ourselves in adoration to the Lord, to the Cross, and as we ‘surveyed the Cross’, let our pride be smashed at the foot of the Cross where the expression of God’s love in shown and demonstrated!

There is a new site WORSHIP CENTRAL, a resource for all worshipers, musicians, and worship leaders by the Planetshakers Ministry

Call to Love as the process of our salvation

9 04 2008

“For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from the fathers, not with perishable things, like silver or god, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. He was destined before the foundation of the world, but was revealed at the end of the times for you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. By obedience to the truth having purified yourselves for sincere love of the brothers, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again – not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the Living and Enduring Word of God. For All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower drops off, but the Word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the Word that was preached as the gospel to you.” 1 Peter 1:18-25

What is the one thing that makes the Christian faith so unique? It is in its simplicity of the Gospel. I’ve been to many great wonders of the World like the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, or the skyscrapers of Singapore and one may even wonder in awe of great men like Donald Trump, Lee Kwan Yew, Bill Gates etc, but in reality these achievements or people are only like a fleeting moment, but the Word of the Lord shines above these achievements and have we put the same amount if not more importance on the Word of God than what we have so willingly admired?

It is a good saying that the Gospel is Love, as Mercy has always believed and that without Love, the Gospel is rendered worthless, for it is Love that Christ died for us, while we were yet sinners. (Romans 5:8). For the Gospel is preached from a haughty and unabashed is not gospel at all, unless from a servant heart and from a point of love submitted to the Lordship of Christ that’s characterized by humility and self sacrificing.

New hive of activities!

7 04 2008

We are scheduled for a move in on the 1st week of May, pending some minor renovation, slight decoration of the place from a rustic colonial house to a comfortable and exciting place! Below are some of the photos for the new place!

The area for our mugging! Well The windows will be covered with IKEA’s dark coloured blind, which i feel maybe black? The light outside will be fixed to allow orange light to come into the area in the evening to make it warm and i think it is going to be quite a place to work!

The overview of the hall and part of it will be partitioned out for the chill out zone! Check out the next photo!

This is the Chill Out Zone! Pardon my bro, Mr ‘possy’ in the photo, he is helping to do some measuring of the place for our deco materials. The wall behind that TV will be painted in dark Grey and the shelves removed of course, and we got 2 two-seater Sofa in ORANGE! haha. Yea, from IKEA and in the middle with a squarish coffee table and a very old-school rug and not forgetting two IKEA standing lamp with orangy light. And we will have a TV there too! This is our Chill Out Zone with PS2, Cable TV where we can catch some Football action too!

This is the small garden from the gate of the house. WE will have some wooden bench, some outdoor light installed and a perfect place to chill out if it is not raining cos the foot path will be flooded if it is pouring. Anyway Mercy will be planting some flowers to beautify the place too!

The small gate and our newly acquired Belingo, the red vehicle, and even a private drive way to the place. And we might need to clear the tree on the right because the roots are kinda cracking up the pathway. And maybe getting an outdoor swing will be nice.

Ok, a sneak preview of our new place! Will update more photos when the renovation and decorations are done up!

Love one another

5 04 2008

I’ve often wonder how is it possible to love everyone, because there are always a small group of people i find it so hard to love. Like the person walking in front of me smoking away, or that particular person jaywalking, or a bunch of noisy kids making a nuisance of themselves, or inconsiderate parents. I can’t love if i am looking at these people from my own.

I vaguely remember what someone once said, do not judge the person too soon, because there remains some mystery in the will and act of God that it is not in our jurisdiction to act or comment. Loving each other is a conscious decision every day, every hour, every single minute of my life cos trust me, it is hard but when i make decision at every single minute, i can do it, i can choose to live by the Spirit and see the world through God’s eyes, rather than through mine.

Take a moment, to breathe, and be still before God as i am doing now at Toa Payoh Central, throngs of people like a flood around me, all heading to a certain future in the fiery hell, unless they too will come to the salvation knowledge of Christ. That touches my heart and my spirit, when i connect in my Spirit to God and feel how He felt and what He sees in us, then, loving each other must be a possible lifestyle, and it is just a matter of discipline, a matter of living each day for God.

Just as I have written a couple of days ago, can this love of God allows a compromise in the very condition of Salvation? Can a muslim who believes in Christ, yet hold on to his faith be saved? Or even a buddhist? To go down this road we are fratenizing with the idea of ecumenicism, yet, are we limiting God in this sense? I firmly believes and convicted, that yet when one believes in Christ and what He did on the Cross for the redemption of our sins, he is saved! That’s the essence of the gospel I believe in and proudly proclaims, and with that promise of Salvation always come with the responsibility on our part – our decision on the issue of repentance, turning away from wickedness, go and sin no more! Salvation must result in a change in our life, our mind, and our behaviour and actions. A person who claims to be a Christian, does not bear any fruits in accordance to the decision of salvation in repentance, is consistent with the witness of the Holy Spirit in our lives, not just a witness of Christ’s death and redemption, but a witness of the changing power of God in our lives that leads to a consistency with Christ’s image. That is the message that’s so often not included.

Prosperty and Health in our Gospel message

4 04 2008

This caught my attention on one of the article

“Christians sometimes are, rightfully, less focused on this world and sometimes we do that to a fault,” said Diggs. “I am diametrically opposed to the health-and-wealth prosperity teachings, but that isn’t to say that God doesn’t bless people financially.”

This reminded me of what God brought to my attention not long ago, that i do not need to be overly righteous, nor overly wicked, and maintaining a balance, the above sentence echoes the sentiment of my stance towards Health and Wealth teachings, that i oppose it however who am i to say God doesn’t bless one financially. I believe where our heart is, there our treasure would be also. In another word, it is not the accessibility of wealth that our Christian walk is depended on but rather on the every word of God has spoken with relation to Him. If we remain focused on that and rooted that principle in our lives, be it health, or ill health, wealth or broke, what is it to stop us from praising God and following Him wholeheartedly?

Pursuit of Godliness

4 04 2008

Many years ago, I read a book of the above header “The Pursuit of Godliness” from the Navigator’s press. It was a book i did not really get excited about especially when the true value of the topic escaped my attention.

I have recently written a short but half completed (My apologies) on Holiness is in our mindset. Very true, i have often wonder and i still do, why Christians are struggling in our Christian life and walk? Why am i struggling with Sins when we by our faith in Christ, is justified, and Christ’s righteousness is imputed on me? It is now, i believe to be the most single important topic that’s strangely not preached as much as i would love to in the churches today.

I stopped and started reading this article on Christianity Today titled “Open-Handed Gospel”  and it cause me to ponder, how big our God really is, and yet, when we try to measure God’s generosity in the gift of Salvation, do we run the risk of compromising on the boundary and definition of Christian salvation? By saying this, i mean, is “We are justified by Faith alone” enough for Salvation?

Why Christians are struggling with Sin is that they have not grasped the fundamental principles of the role of Sin in our lives and that the act of salvation and born again is a miracle which should transform us and our mindset. Yet i must confess, there are times it seems i am not changed! The scriptures taught plainly that there are two natures in which we must decide – to live according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. That’s the key in our daily victories against Sin or rather i must be more specific on the BONDAGES that come from Sin. Let me reiterate, we are not immune to Sinning, until we are called back to heaven through the quickening of a new body…. but till then, we do sin occasionally, but the difference being, we are no longer under the Laws of Sin, because of what Christ has done. The only responsibility is that we must confess our sins and through the act of sanctification, which started at the point of our salvation, God works within us through the Power of the Holy Spirit to change us from within. That’s the message of hope for the lost! That we are transformed from within by the Power of the Holy Spirit, (NOT ourselves, pardon this for i do not support New Age notion of finding goodness in ourselves).

Holiness is in your mindset

1 04 2008

As i browsed through the RSS feed and this blog article titled “As holy as you want to be” which is from AW Tozer.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6

Every Christians are commanded to be Holy as He (God) is Holy and this holiness and righteousness are not of our own. How can one be filled with righteousness not of our own? Hunger and Thirst are two basic human characteristics which talk about insufficiency of our flesh. Hunger craves for the filling of food, where thirst is for water, both is a cry for sustenance for our very own survival. However, our spiritual man, can hunger, and can be thirsty; in which we cry for spiritual food and water, of which is God. Seldom do we hunger and thirst for righteousness anymore, we lack the mindset to put on the righteousness of Christ, an imputed righteousness from the Son of God and the mind of Christ.