God’s mercy and His love

13 11 2006

I always read and hear how people blame God for the troubles or when God wiped out the nations in Israel citing God is a cruel God. I say again to those who said such things, THINK and contemplate the matter of the issue before making such statement. Read Isaiah 43:14-28. Before we blame God for His judgment, let us remember the cause of such is our sins. Shall we blame God when we sinned against Him? For 400 years, God allowed His people to suffer in Egypt, allowing the Canaanites to repent. How do we know because Jetro, Moses’ father in law is a Midianite Priest for the God most High! Yet, these people did not repent and turn back to God, and their Sins have come into completion for judgment. Shall we blame God for that? And how many times do we invoke God’s name to punish those who sinned against us and yet never blame ourselves with the venomous hatred in our heart against our neighbour? Those who wrote foolishly, will be treated as a fool, unless we repent of our pride, sin and self reliance.

Life in the grind

13 11 2006

What happened in the last few weeks has either shaped a new perspective on how God works, or has destroyed what i believe how God works. In either way, i am convicted of various truths and one essential truth is that each individual christian is indeed been chosen from the dawn of time, that we are called by our names to salvation.

Ephesians 1:4-6 – For he chose us in him before the creation of the wold to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will – to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

We do not see the plain truth in this, and often confused with theology such as Predestination, and i say, we are all called and chosen. I once told someone, the greatest evidence of a person who’s truly saved is that despite him falling now and then, he will not turn away from God. He will continue to repent, to come back as King David did after his adultery and murder. Anyone who falls away because of temptations and pleasures of the world, one would doubt if he is truly saved.

God is more interested in my character than money in our bank or pocket. This truth perhaps is more sobering than all the others. How easily the snare of money and its evil brothers like pride rear their heads when we think it is because of our abilities. Even if pride were to say, let me help him or her, it is not of a honourable motive. Today, i examined my heart and chastise Pride and Lord, deal with the monster within and that i might truly say “it is you Lord, not me”.

God has reminded over the last few days – He continues to be in control despite everything i hold belief to fails. God spoke and got me to bring a book “How to study the bible for all it’s worth” and the sermon was on studying the Word of God and i know why i needed to bring that, is to give Mercy the book. God told her to give all she had $10, and God provided a 10 fold back from that act, Mercy got $100 from her pastor. The list goes on and on and despite what, i find friends online from America, Pastor Bill and the rest who left messages at the lowest point of my life thus far, the encouragements, and prayers that i felt the kinship of the family of God.

God is calling the church to a renewed emphasis on holiness, not just corporate, but personal holiness. Turn back from your sins! If you are secretly addicted to porn, repent! If you are secretly visiting places you are not suppose to, stop your footstep! Tell no more lies! Tell no more gossips! Turn back! The Church today is everything but a bastion of integrity, righteousness, truth, and most important a fair reflection of Jesus Himself.