Depth of my faith

15 11 2006

The measure of a Christian is the depth of his walk and his faith in God. Till recently in a couple of my cell group’s discussion, some points were raised, how ‘christian’ am i?

Do I read God’s Words daily? How can we say we love God and not spend time reading His Word and Praying? Hence personal devotion is the basic foundation of our christian faith.

Is my lifestyle reflecting Christ? Does stranger come up and ask me if i am a Christian because they see Jesus in me? That, is the sure indication of us as a Christian. Do i show love to others? Do i even know my neighbour?

Am i following Christ’s command? If i love God, i will obey Him! I will tell people about Jesus and the good news. How many people have i witness today? Do i spend time with people, meeting their needs? Do i feel compassion for those who need Jesus? I do not need to look at the people in India, or in China, just round the corner of my house, there are hundreds of people who are crying out for hope everyday.

Surely signs and wonders will follow those who love Him. The believers in the first century church live with such power, the disciples perform miracles, people got healed in their shadows, the lame walked, the deaf hear, the blind see, and revival broke out, thousands repent of their sins, and thousands more turn to Jesus everyday! People began to sell all they have and gave to those in need, they began to love unconditionally…. am i walking with signs and wonders today? if not, why not?

Questions i will ask myself daily because a life lived unchecked is not worth living. A life not lived for the sole purpose of glorifying God is not worth living at all. Fill my heart with your heart, let me converse with you Lord, like a friend. Share your heart with me in the cool evening, show me the world through your eyes, that i will speak what you want me to say. Lord. Forgive me for i have tried to live for myself. Crucify me to the cross, so i might walk out of it a new life in You.

Elton “Organised religion encourages hate”

15 11 2006

Quoted from an article on MSNBC

“I think religion has always tried to turn hatred toward gay people,” John said in the Observer newspaper’s Music Monthly Magazine. “Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays.” Elton John.

Is it true that organised religion fuels hate towards the homosexuals community? I would not totally dismiss that notion as it is true, many uses religion to discriminate the homosexuals, however, this fault lies with us. In view of God’s infallible Word, homosexual lifestyle is an abomination, and make no mistake, homosexuals and the sexual immorals will NOT go to heaven, meaning unless Homosexuals repent of their sinful lifestyle, they will not inherit eternal life and salvation. In saying this, i would not go beyond the very fact that God did and still love these people, and precisely because of that, the homosexuals have a hope to get it right from their lifestyle, that’s to turn away from their wicked and sinful lifestyle and get it right with God and reconcile with Him through faith in our Lord Jesus.

Elton is also blinded deliberately to the effects of homosexual lifestyle which in its promiscuity habits, diseases like AIDS are the main cause of many family to break up, contributing to many problems in the society, and hence, a breeding place for hatred, both towards races within the American society of whites and blacks and am i right to say too, homosexuality encourages promiscuity and hatred? The opposite is very true, Elton choose to close his gay eyes to the harm caused by homosexuality and blame the very people who choose to live right before God, and i pray Elton will turn away from his sins before the day of Judgment.