Demystify AIDS as a social stigma

16 11 2006

Singapore – Government and Health Promotion Board has came up with a campaign to encourage the HIV-infected to come forward especially among the Youths, whom today, the authorities have on number 2852 cases but believe to be 3 or 4 times higher than expected.

As I was reading, the way to combat AIDS is to encourage safe sex? You cannot discourage unsafe sex by telling them to have sex more, be it safe or unsafe. You cannot kill the urge for drugs by offering safe drugs? The underlying problem is correcting the social moral mentality – Stop sleeping around. Besides AIDS, we’ve got STD, and unwanted pregnancies to worry about, how about related social problems such as Abortions? Irresponsible actions need to be corrected, GO AND SIN NO MORE, not do something to replace that urge!

How the world treats a problem, is flawed. How Jesus treat a problem – go and sin no more. Perfect. Stop and that’s it. No questions asked.

My desktop….

16 11 2006

This is my desktop of which i love. Guess i tend to keep it colourful and minimalistic.

Counter-culture approach by Jesus

16 11 2006

We were all taught that in order to be the greatest, we need to be at the top of the class, be the fastest on the track, be the smartest of the smarts, be the strongest of the strong, be the best we can be; however, Jesus met the popular culture head on and said, “…For he who is least among you all – he is the greatest.” Luke 9:48

The reality of our christian faith hits us hard, that it takes more than just sacrificing every sunday to church, 30 minutes every day to do devotion, or pray when we are in trouble, the crux of our faith takes us beyond the easy, to the tough, it is these tough decisions everyday that set us apart from the rest of the people following Jesus.

Jesus had a huge crowd following him everywhere he went in his ministry, but only a few go beyond the popular crowd, they went near and talk to Him, to interact, to follow His ways rather than their ways. The inner circle of a hundred or so, and then coming in to Jesus’ close group of his disciples, and then His favourite three. Who will i endeavour to be? I want to be the closest to Him, that i will be like John.

When decisions everyday like whether i will be willing to give up the best in the house for my brothers, and willing to take the second fiddle in the ministry, or at work, and not just doing that, but doing it out of a servant heart, in love and in total surrender of my own rights, that’s what truly make us a kindred spirit to Jesus who gave up all He is, to take the punishment for us on the cross. Lord, humble me.

Get set, Vista Ready!

16 11 2006

This is funny, considering that when technology moves so fast, sometimes it is redundant to have so much processing power when we only want to run Notepad! Oh no… why do i care about Vista? I am a mac user! Just wanna poke some fun on the new release of Vista. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to go on Vista from Win XP.