Turbulent week

24 11 2006

With yet again, another bout of disappointment with the money coming in and going through some really stressful time with Mercy, i reckon a rest and getaway must be in place before i decide to come back? Spending a day with Mercy made me realised how much i love her. Met up with Jenn at Plaza and had some quality short time of chatting about churches, and why we oppose any gospel of prosperity that’s taken to extreme and other issues. I have decided to take a break from cell group and last night might just be well my last day at the cell until everything’s gone back to normal in life. I’ve applied to a job at MTV Asia and boy! Hope i get that job! It is so cool, and the office is smacked right in the town which is only about 15 mins away from my home and so conveniently situated so i can meet up with Mercy more often! Ah God, please please please, help me to get that job! Thank you God.



4 responses

24 11 2006

Lord willing you will get the job!


25 11 2006

Hi Dan,

Personally, I believe the small group meetings are even more important for us to attend and be committed to, more than Sunday service even. Not that you should miss either, but it’s so easy to avoid all the messy, necessary relationships on Sundays, whereas we need to really practice the Bible in cell group, right? Besides, you can ask your cell group brothers and sisters to pray for your situation, and then rejoice together when God brings you through.

25 11 2006

I hope you are able to get this job and will be praying that God will direct your steps. If you don’t get this job, I hope that you will be able to quickly discern what better option God has in mind for you. I’ve had several times in my life when it looked like one opportunity was just what I needed, but it didn’t come to fruition. Subsequently, I’ve discovered good reasons why this wasn’t best for me AND that God has something even better in mind for me.

You remain in my prayers!!!


7 12 2006
just hedbeats

what job is it the you applied for? they have an opening for traffic controller.

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