I’ve migrated to a new blog

7 07 2010

Hi, for those who has stumbled upon this blog, I apologize that i am no longer updating my blog on wordpress, but has migrated to another blog. Please click to http://therednotebook.tumblr.com/ if you wish to follow me. Thanks!

Christianity to transform Singapore and Asia

13 03 2010

There is ONLY ONE answer to the problems we faced today, and that is the Word of God. The power of the Word of God can transform nation, not just revival but a lasting transformation of every single part of society and conforming to the eternal principles that are outlined from the Word of God.

1. That every single citizens of Singapore would honour God, honour the leadership and authority God has placed in our lives (The government, Prime Minister, Teachers, Ministers, Police etc), and honouring our parents.

2. Will inspire to love life, that there we will learn to appreciate each other, our elders, our children, our friends, our colleagues and ultimately ourselves. Of which we will respect and honour the sanctity of LIFE itself. There will be less cases of murders, rapes, and even abortion.

3. We will learn to love each other, less racism, less intolerance, but unconditional love for each other, that will result in less cases of divorce where we can forgive and moved to reconciliation.

4. We have a higher productivity, for everything we do, we do it for God and for the good of each other. We will put each other and our company’s interest above our own.

5. Less violence and crimes on the street, as more teens can grow up in an environment where there will be godly parents, the support structure is there for the teenagers, and as they are raised up in godliness and learning to live and walk in the precepts of God’s principles.

6. There will be less orphans, and poor people because the people will care, first for the poor, the widow, and the orphans. There these people will be taken care of in a society.

7. Every mother will treasure her unborn child, and every father would provide the loving stability his child needs.

8. Gangs would disappear from lack of membership, Instead young people would find true community and purpose in the body of Christ

9. Most people would protect the environment and have good stewardship over God’s creation.

10. Politicians, officials, and judges would be true civil servants

11. Billion of dollars would be freed up for public works because there would be so little corruption, fraud and income tax evasion.

12. Empty prisons would have to be redesigned for other uses or demolished.

13. Road rage would be a peculiar phenomenon for future history scholars to ponder.

14. Casinos would no longer be a place for unhealthy congregation of people to gamble but places for worship, and spending quality time with family. No one would gamble and destroy their family from such addiction.

15. There won’t be any more scandals of infidelity, but instead public figures will show extraordinary moral fiber and standard and show the world what is true leadership.

Catholics move to make Mary equal with Jesus

7 03 2010

For so many deluded and obviously ignorant catholics who claimed that Mary was never been put on the same equal status with Christ as the only Saviour through God’s plan for Mankind’s salvation. This is a probably a wake up call to all catholics who sincerely love Jesus and God and share the same faith that Jesus IS the ONLY way to God, turn away from the apostate catholic church!

See http://www.catholic.net/index.php?option=dedestaca&id=224

God never fails

2 02 2010

Ephesians 1:11 says in Him we were chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

In times of great adversity, God’s people are greatly encouraged. For there is no mountains too high, no oceans too deep that our paths in life is hidden from God’s sovereignty. I’m reminded again and again that no matter what trials and difficulty I faced ahead, I am assured in God because he is still in control and has never failed me even in times of darkness! I am encouraged by Paul’s words that everything including the good and the bad works in consistency with the purpose of my God’s will! Indeed He is a good and great God whose will I shall find delight in.

Our affection

15 01 2010

Where is my affection that lies today? In the security of a career, the ever need of money, the warmth and love of a family or could it be the ministry of our religious pursuit that which are competing for our affection? I suppose all of it. Sometimes the lie that in pursuing something good like ministry could land us in a position that compromise our love for God himself. For where the heart is there our treasure will be also. There my heart yearns to break free of its icy prison that seems all is fading in unfamilar greyness and to be truly free to love him and fire up for action like winning the world for him. On the other hand our affection is the only thing demanded of him not our gungho and bravado actions for it is by his spirit that much is accomplished not by our own might. Could it be true that God is relentlessly in pursuit of my affection that all else is merely a distraction?

Our Final Priority (Paraphrase)

10 01 2010

If I have the language ever so perfectly and speak like a pundit, and have not the love that grips the heart, I am nothing. If I have decorations and diplomas and am proficient in up-to-date methods and have not the touch of understanding love, I am nothing. If I am able to worst my opponents in argument so as to make fools of them, and have not the wooing note, I am nothing.

If I have all faith and great ideals and magnificent plans and wonderful visions, and have not the love that sweats and bleeds and weeps and prays and pleads, I am nothing. If I surrender all prospects, and leaving home and friends and comforts, give myself to the showy sacrifice of a missionary career, and turn sour and selfish amid the daily annoyances and personal slights of a missionary life, and though I give my body to be consumed in the heat and sweat and mildew of India, and have not the love that yields its rights, its coveted leisure, its pet plans, I am nothing, nothing. Virtue has ceased to go out of me.

If I can heal all manner of sickness and disease, but wound hearts and hurt feelings for want of love that is kind, I am nothing. If I write books and publish articles that set the world agape and fail to transcribe the word of the cross in the language of love, I am nothing. Worse, I may be competent, busy, fussy, punctilious, and well-equipped, but like the church at Laodicea—nauseating to Christ.

Battle of Wills

28 12 2009

There is a battle which we often tend to ignore or not noticing its importance, the battle of wills. I remember not so fondly about the times in one of my army trainings, my instructor will say it is all in the mind, physical pain is nothing. At that time, I thought he was being ridiculous. Fortunately over the years, I realized the simple truth in that, the battle of our mind and will precedes the toughest of battles in life. Whether we are preparing for a tough time ahead in our career, or tackling a monster of some undesired habits, or even through some struggles, the crud of the tipping point of victory lies in us facing the issue in the will.

The problem is not about victory in life, but that we are holding on to a defeated mindset of the past life – the fallen nature, and refusal to put on the right identity of Christ. Of all people, I am guilty of all the charges. Despite knowing all these, does not mean I have gotten the victory, as knowledge is but a first step to gaining that victory. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in revelation given to us through the Word of God, it is our decision now, to fight it out in the battle of will, to allow ourselves to be transformed first in our mind, next through our lives, that we will grow to be more like Christ. This battle is part of a life long war waged against the fallen world and nature.

Great dream

21 12 2009

This girl is only 14 year old and she attempted to sail around the world, unfortunately this world has no place for her big dream. How often, have our dreams being killed by those who either cannot understand, intolerance of them, or incapable of dreaming? I wonder.

The universe and me

30 11 2009

If the relative size of a speck of dust compared to the universe is so insignificant then so is ourselves? Can we measure who we are and what our destiny should be to such drastic comparison? Such comparison is mere exaggeration and inaccurate to say the least but it is how human tend to use to say something about their destiny or themselves don’t they?

The importance of one’s worth and destiny is not measured merely in its size but on which those worth and destiny are built on? Is it built on a good cause, material wealth or something bigger than ourselves? One said that unless our worth, destiny lies in a bigger cause than ourselves, it is not worth a single moment of our lives. Question is what is my worth? It is immeasurably big, bigger than this universe because it is rooted in the very cause in relentless pursuit of who God is, that is the bedrock of my worth and destiny.

Yester years

25 11 2009

If all we see is the yester years then wouldn’t that be such a romantic affair with history? I don’t know except that other than my unbelief I realized today I have hidden my bags of regrets and disappointment. I have no appetite for hope as though the dawn never did arrive. As I browsed through facebook and looking through a former friend’s profile and learn I miss him and the time we spent together. I miss the time we talked about God and struggles and all the prata time etc and now that absence is irreplaceable. The feeling of hopeless and despair is all so familar when I looked into mercy’s eyes last night and i realize how truly I hated life. The more we are connected the more unconnected we are, and we have never been more alone.

Conversation with God – day 1

24 11 2009

I asked, “father, since unbelief is the reason why my prayers are unanswered, is unbelief a sin?”. God replied unbelief is a reason and sin is not, as through his grace and his love for us, the answer to prayers is solely based on his love not a obligation just because we said the right thing or did through the rituals. But yea unbelief in itself is a greater sin.”

“then there is a greater sin and lesser sin as the Catholics taught?” I questioned and trying not to test him in regards to this issue with the Catholics.

“no all sins be it small and huge are sins, there is no differentiation to the types of sin and its nature but there are sins which led to death and some are given time that leads to its judgement.” the response came quite patiently as if to deal with a stubborn child.

“how do you put which sin that leads to death and not?” asking a question which has always bother me in theology.

“it is the law that God has institutionalized. If one were to commit murder then death sentence comes as a result of the judgment of our civil law then that sin as in murder leads to death and in it if the person remains in the conviction of such sin and has not acknowledged Christ’s redemption as for his salvation then surely he remains in death a spiritual one as it is. Surely if one were to lie such offense will not lead to death but given time for repentance under his grace. Grace is not merely a position of favour offered but covers over a period of time so God can work in us to bring us back to him.” sounds like a revelation from Him.

Guard thy heart

18 11 2009

Not just against all manners of fleshly lust but against invisible human menaces such as pride, jealousy, hatred, selfishness and self condemnation. Too often have we associate the command to guard our hearts and have never considered its essence. True christianity lies in its application first on the condition of our spirit and soul and then physical for what transpires in the making and moulding of our soul must result in a physical change. The changing of our heart must result in a selfless act of considering others better than ourselves to a total surrender to the almighty God. It is a process as delicate as the hands of the surgeon and we can place our trust in him who is the master potter. Let the process of guarding our heart, conditioning of our mind and the changing process of our mind and heart begin so we can till one day be truly like Christ.


14 11 2009

I saw as the woman struggled to get down the bus with her big computer that is tied to trolley, no one offered her any assistance including me. But it was a foreign worker that came forward to lend a helping hand. How many times have we failed to lend any help to someone in need? I am as guilty as charged! Nevertheless after the foreign worker came forward to help her, she did not bother to express any thanks to him and just reflect the flaws of the society we are just so graceless.


12 11 2009

I saw two young girls at the bus stop sharing a garlic bread and looking at them reminded me so much of the innocence we have lost in the process of growing up. Today it seems climbing the corporate ladder, or the pursuit of money and financial gain or the cares of life have all taken the innocence away and it is a tragic loss. The implications are far and wide and deep in the very depth of our lives and in how we see the world and how we treat each other.


22 10 2009

Friendship and its meaning has changed over the years for myself. I have lost some true friends and have made quite a number of acquaintances. Along the way too friendship is broken down with good friends and mostly insignificant ones and another category appears when I came unwillingly into the marketplace.

If I were to be asked if I have any friends I would probably say no. Not that I am a hermit but perhaps I have had friendship which I wish I had kept and protected but I did not. When comes to friendship I must admit among many other things a total failure. What would I look for in a friendship beside the kindred spirit?

I looked at myself most of all that how can anyone want me to be their friend?seriously I am mean and I mean it I am a mean bastard that selfishness i realized one of the strongest trait I have with regards to friendship. I think it is giving selflessly that truly defines friendship, and I have none of it. Can I give selflessly? Sure I am capable of but I measure who is worthy of my selfless act! Ya that is pure selfishness. Mercy often said I am and I casually remarked that I sell prawns and crabs too.

I wonder why am I the way I am. No I am not attempting to be philosophical but i am so sick of life. Life of meeting repayment of financial obligations and debt, working to earn a miserable and meagre pay and I wish I am heathier like running on a marathon, swim daily, kick the ball and to do so without breaking out a migraine and I think life has taken out a chunk of joy and I absolutely hate it. Now I am merely a computer football player or I can only dream of taking beautiful picture and travel the world with mercy and even to see the need of the orphans and widows and lamenting about it. It is such position now I hate and I think such attitude to life affects directly to how I view friendship. No friendship is worth the keep especially when there is so much shit in life and I do not need more shit in building or investing into other people other than keeping my life out of the stupid mess I am already in.

Wha is wrong with me? I need a radical change of heart to look at lives and people of what matters more to Jesus. I need to wiper to clear the clutter of my eyes and heart to see what matters more eternally. Friendship being one of them. Now in the midst of planning for my wedding I do not actually intend to invite any friends except those on mercy’s side. I do not intend to have a best man and I think I relished the quiet solitude in life that I love the clutter free circle of acquaintances.

See being nice to others always held some form of expectation. When they don’t meet up to the expectation they drop dangerously below the standard. I remember who had been kind to me and who didn’t and it is a heavy burden on this friendship business that i very much prefer to drop it off at the top of the dusty shelf that says storeroom and of no noble consequences.